“There is a kind of day that is very grey or brown . . . it is a mood or tone I often feel on a dreary day, waiting for a taxi before it rains or going to some kind of daily routine . . . It’s the experience of being on the street in open space, or just inside ourselves. What do we feel, what do we choose to notice and sense on a given day? It’s about the internal and external landscape of the place as I experience it.”

From "Taking note", by Nicholas Laughlin, in the August 2006 Caribbean Review of Books

Friday, January 29, 2010

Afro Modern installation.

Installation of larger version of "Tropical Night"  in AFRO MODERN at the TATE, Liverpool. 189 drawings were used instead of the 136 used in the "Infinite Island" show at the  Brooklyn Museum in 2007.

Getting the pins and clips up accurately. It took one full day.



Final arrangement - click here for detail of new arrangement.


Richard Mark Rawlins said...

Looks wonderful!

hbynoe said...

beautiful. congratulations on this. nice linking up with your work. more updates please

gen doy said...

lovely work, so interesting. Are there any more books about your work? i have ordered the one from the dramouth college residency. Prof Gen Doy De Montfort University Leicester UK